where the wild things are was good. er, as good as these movies, that are supposed to be for kids but really aren't cuz when someone's arm gets ripped off it kinda crosses that point where the parents feel comfortable letting their kids watch it, get.
aww ^^ I feel so honored! I am everywhere! :) :)
Also, Daniiierr, praise GOD for worship today.
"May the words of my mouth
and the meditations of my heart
be pleasing to You, Lord Jesus.."
i wanna see that movie!
nice pic
that movie sucked.
where the wild things are was good. er, as good as these movies, that are supposed to be for kids but really aren't cuz when someone's arm gets ripped off it kinda crosses that point where the parents feel comfortable letting their kids watch it, get.
aka, sucked.
yo! time to update!
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