It's more like "I can't lift my hands high enough!$#$%$ I can't life my hands high enough!@#@$@#% When I'm reaching for you, my God!!$@#%@#". To me, it sucks that I can't reach high enough.
I feel like an accurate picture of college for me is me reaching more and more for God every year, trying harder to know Him. I'm in no way discrediting reaching out for God, I actually see that as evidence that God is working in a heart. But I will make a confession that may seem cliche and obvious to many, but is painful for me;
To know everything of God is impossible. I think it leads me to want to understand his infinite sovereign will, and instead of leading me to be in awe, it ends up making me feel hopeless. I can't reach Him, I can't attain him. I can't reach high enough. I know in my head that I should be in wonder of him, but for me, I feel that much further.
I think that's the difference between trying to know God and being known by Him. It's a very scary thing to try to know him because the more you know, the more you realize your lack of goodness. In other words, the more you try to know God, deeper and greater you realize your sin is. It shows alot of yourself, so much so that many times, I just don't want to know any more about my self. Funny that the culture stresses knowing and pleasing yourself so much, but that's a different story.
So now, to know that God himself knows you... what kind of reaction do I have? It tastes like a kind of freedom that just wasn't there before. Maybe that's what worship is.
I treat God as if he is some anomaly that I can figure out to my satisfaction. Now it's very obvious to me that it is never-ending. I can never know infinity. Living it out further complicates things. Every time I feel like I'm beginning to understand something, stuff happens and all of the sudden, your whole concept of what you thought you had grasped is way deeper than what you first thought. Me and an old childhood friend meet up every few months and every time we meet, our general consensus is; 'wow, we thought we understood last time. We had no idea how little we knew." That's every time we meet up. It's a constant re-realization of how much we don't know.
I must be known. Being a follower of Jesus feels impossible if you don't know for sure that he loves you. The difference between focusing on who God is to me and who I am to God.
It is a circular struggle that I suppose will keep happening over and over until I die. All this talk of surrender, belief, righteousness etc. is all good- but it's meaning is diminished in the end of the day if I don't actually trust and believe that God- who gives me my worth- loves me and desires that I be with Him. How much we must grieve him by keeping him at bay when He's made the way for us to freely and fully be with him (Hebrews 10:22). I must be known because left to my own strength- I can't reach high enough. But God has already reached down to us (SO CLICHE BUT SO, SO TRUE).
It is a weird feeling. I've spent my whole life reaching to him, yet I overlook that simple fact; That while we were still his enemies, Jesus died for us. He made a way, he did the reaching. It used to be that we had to be completely obedient (the old covenant) in order to even have his presence. Jesus became that obedience in a sense with the new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31) and now we have this insanely complete and open way to God.
"And no longer shall each one teach his neighboar and each his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more"I guess reaching out for God means something different then, doesn't it? I've spent my whole self trying to reach for him because in the core of my mind, I believed that I could attain him. But I can't. But now, I reach because he has already reached out and finished the saving. Jesus accomplished the obedience that used to be required of us, and was crushed to make it final.
If I learned anything in the last 23 years, it has to be the single fact that I couldn't reach him. But I can't reach high enough, I can't sing loud enough or long enough.. because Jesus has done it. God, help me learn to be in awe of that for the next 23.
feels good for people to comment, right? :O
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